Steve Earl is right

Steve is a great musician and a great thinker. At one of his concerts he talked about the map of the world. He challenged you to take a look at the globe and see all the different countries marked out and how the borders are shaped and defined. We use colour coding to identify different regions. We update these as time moves on and countries change.

He then asked the audience to consider for a moment that the lines are not real. Sure the land mass is real. Where the earth meets the sea is real enough. But the borders and countries are not. We created them.There really is no such thing as Wales or Scotland or England.

I was reminded of this as we are writing tender documents this week. A couple of them are for big pieces of work. Interesting that the client wants a structure chart as part of the bid. We don’t usually bother with these. Our work is much more fluid and flexible than can be identified by a chart. But to satisfy the tender, I have created one. I hope they keep it to themselves and don’t show it to the team. God forbid that we should actually try and work like this.

The boxes, reporting lines, and job titles are not real. I think I had better delete the file and the documents fast.

In the meantime I should have a listen to Steve’s ‘The Revolution Starts Now’ and sing along loudly