Eve Turner


Eve is an experienced leader with several years of running large divisions and nearly a decade of developing senior managers, leaders and other professionals as a business coach. Eve helps people to achieve their goals, providing support, challenge and fun along the way! She divides her time between coaching, supervising coaches and training new coaches, along with some writing and research in the field and Eve is an accredited and qualified coach and coach supervision


Eve has had three careers! She graduated with an MMus, a BMus and a Diploma in classical guitar and her music career pinnacle was conducting an orchestra – a good preparation for leadership! She spent several years in the BBC as a journalist, presenter and then senior leader running a number of divisions of up to 250 staff and £15m budget, gaining an MBA along the way. Eve’s focus was on motivating and supporting staff so they delivered the best results for the business and she dealt with wide-scale change, starting new areas of business, recruiting, retaining and developing staff, has introduced step changes in working practices including union negotiation, has overseen successful diversity & community initiatives and has implemented redundancy programmes. Finally Eve has worked as a coach with a number of high profile organisations, gaining an MSc in Coaching and Development and Postgraduate qualifications in coach supervision.

Examples of her work include:

Working with top leaders to set a business strategy often against challenging change backgrounds, and then plan a communication process to cascade this through the organisation. Coaching and developing managers and leaders from those in their first role to Boardroom Directors, including leadership development for high potentials and talent management.

Helping clients to deal with staff and situations that they may consider as challenging through increased self- awareness and self-belief, developing a range of leadership styles and potentially developing their emotional intelligence.

Coaching to increase awareness and responsibility for change and the management of change. Working with clients who are preparing for promotion, changing careers, or facing redundancy.

Running action learning and supervision groups to help leaders develop peer methods of support.


Eve is an Accredited Master Executive Coach with the AC (Association for Coaching) and an Accredited Executive Coach with APECS (the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision) and through APECS is also an accredited executive coach supervisor, abiding by their codes of ethics.

She is fully trained in a wide range of psychometric tools such as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Hogan suite, Firo B, Talent Q and 16PF. She is also a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council. She is on the accreditation panels of the AC and APECS and does research and is published regularly in magazines such as Coaching at Work.

And finally…

In her spare time Eve loves watching football and travelling. She is never far from a book or magazine and doesn’t need an excuse to try out new coffee shops!

Contact Eve