Leading with Impact

Leading with Impact – An experiential journey…

Leading with Impact

Leading with Impact is a leadership development workshop with a difference.

Many people understand the concept of leadership and team working from a conceptual level. Our participants are always bright people and intellectually they understand the principles of leadership and building a successful team.

There is of course a huge difference between those who can quote the research and thosewho can really take charge and inspire a group of people.

This workshop has been designed to lift the concepts of leadership off the page and to allow participants to experience leadership and teamwork in a constructive and powerful environment.

The workshop is based around some core principles and we challenge participants to put leadership into practice and to receive feedback on their

performance. We ask participants to embark on a series of projects and challenges designed to bring the best out of teams and individuals.


At the end of this workshop participants will:

  • Leading with Impact Experiential learningHave a greater awareness of their strengths, development needs and impact as a leader
  • Have received feedback on their leadership style
  • Have reflected on their role as a team member as well as a leaders and how best to support those who lead us
  • Know what it takes to help teams and individuals to focus on goals and deliverables
  • Have improved their ability to manage complex tasks and to communicate and engage people on the journey
  • Be clearer on their personal leadership values and how these impact performance
  • Be committed and clear on the personal changes needed to strengthen the role as both leader and colleague back at work


This workshop uses experiential learning. Most of the time will be spent working as part of a team and taking on a variety of projects and challenges designed to hone each participant’s leadership style and to stretch their skills and contribution as a team member.

We use outdoor development for part of the workshop. This helps build a a more authentic leadership experience.

The workshop is designed to put leaders into a situation where effective leadership and teamwork are the main catalysts that forge successful outcomes. They will work closely with a facilitator and their colleagues on the workshop to extract key learning points.

The programme also contains a number of central sessions that explore the following areas:

  • Values and authentic leadership
  • Focussing yourself and your team on results
  • Team dynamics in action and how to manage these
  • Personality and the impact on style and performance
  • Collaboration v competition
  • The power of constructive feedback to build confidence and performance

The workshop is a three day residential and concludes after breakfast on the morning of what would be day four.

For further information on this Leading with Impact workshop please download the new DTC Brochure 2017 or get in touch.